October 28, 2011

get your freak on

 got this from lora

#1. What’s a nickname only your family calls you?
my brother's kids call me Yaya. my dad used to call me Truck. a few of my uncles call me Lola, but mostly everyone calls me Laurie.

#2. What’s a weird habit of yours?
i talk to myself A LOT.  I need to stop. I'm so weird.

#3. Do you have any weird phobias?
i'm scared of your ugly face! does that count?? hahahaha. JK! no, don't really have any phobias.

#4. What’s a song you secretly LOVE to blast && belt out when you’re alone?
Taylor Swift- You belong with me!!
if you could see that i'm the one who understands you
been here all along, so why can't you seeeeeeeeeee you belong with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! =D

#5. What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?
slow people. people who talk slow. drive slow. eat slow. think slow. quit being so slow! omg. so annoying.

#6. What’s one of your nervous habits?
i fidget when i get nervous. or have to take a crap. yeah.

#7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

on the left.

#8. What was your first stuffed animal && it’s name?
big bird. i loved him.

#9. What’s the drink you ALWAYS order at starbucks?

i hate coffee. i seriously hate the way it smells and tastes. One exception: the gingerbread latte, which is seasonal, so I'll have one of those a year. I get the passion tea lemonade during the summer or a spiced caramel apple when it's cold out.

#10. What’s the beauty rule you preach... never ACTUALLY practice?

hmm... I don't really have any. maybe drink more water for clear skin? I say that to other people but hardly do it myself.

#11. Which way do you face in the shower?

with my back towards the shower head. when i face the shower head i feel like i'm gonna drown. scary. LOL

#12. Do you have any ‘weird’ body ‘skills’?
no, i can't say that i do.

#13. What’s your favorite ‘comfort food’/food thats ‘bad’ but you love to eat it anyways?
ice cream. good grief, I LOVE ice cream. this weeks flavor is by Ben & Jerry, it's called Late night snack - it's vanilla bean ice cream with a salty caramel swirl and fudge-covered potato chip clusters. sounds weird, but it's pretty tasty. i usually bring my pint out when the kids go to bed so i don't have to share. What? don't judge.

#14. What’s a phrase or exclamation you always say?
GEEZUS. i say it all the time.  i say it so much, i have everyone around me saying it. GEEZUS!

#15. Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing?
t-shirt and shorts.

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