November 1, 2011

halloween recap & stuff

I'm so glad Halloween is done and over with. Not one of my favorite days of the year. It just seems to be a big ol' hassle, if you ask me. Unless Halloween falls on a Saturday, it's no fun. Kids have homework, chores, dinner and some of them have sports, there just aren't enough hours in the day for halloween. lol And not to mention all the damn candy they get and have laying around. That's no good for my ass. so yeah, Halloween? not my fav. But ernie was a scary cool looking zombie! He was even scared of his own self. haha.

 and sophia didn't get to participate, because well you know if you read that blog post. Speaking of Sophia, I got a call from her teachers this morning. We decided she probably needs to see a counselor for some grief counseling. I don't think she ever had any after her mom passed and I do think she might need it. I'm so glad her teachers understand and listen to what I say and take me serious. I feel like sometimes teachers just brush me off as a crazy mom, but I know Sophia is smart and capable of doing great in school she's just got a LOT on her mind. Hopefully the counseling works. *fingers crossed*

Now it's November 1st. Thanksgiving is fast approaching. My FAVORITE holiday! because you know I love to eat! Our plans are to go to Austin for a few days. I cannot wait. I'm excited to see my nephew and my nieces and their babies! yay!

and here's my NOTD: Sally Hansen Black out and then white on my ring finger topped with Nubar- Black polka dot. So cute. I love the black "glitter"
excuse the messy nails. that's my right hand it's such a bitch to paint my nails with my left hand, as you already know. =P


  1. Aww Ernie looks so cute and scary lol. I'm kinda glad Halloween is over with too, I was wanting to mellow out from all the partying. Yay! November is here! I'm also looking forward to eating and spending time with the family as well. Have fun in Austin!

    I love that black glitter, is it Nubar?

    Hope everything turns out well for Sophia ❤
