November 21, 2011

monday list

1. Mood:
excited. OMG! i'm so excited to be going home for thanksgiving! =D

2. Your favorite Thanksgiving entrée or side?
dressing. i could get a plate full of dressing and be a happy girl! mmmm... as long as it doesn't have any boiled eggs or any bread that isn't cornbread, i'm good! why would you make dressing with just regular bread or boiled eggs? that's just grody.

3. What’s one thing — beauty related — you feel thankful for?
moisturizer. without it my face would be a big flaky mess.

4. What’s one thing — non-beauty related — you feel thankful for?
love. unconditional love.

5. What’s been the biggest surprise for you so far this year?
you know, honestly i shouldn't be surprised by this at all, but how some people never change is just mind blowing. i should know better.

6. When was the last time you were the recipient of a random act of kindness?
today actually. one of my online pals is going to host my website! i get my own domain and i'm moving to wordpress! yay! soon. not today. i have tons going on this week, so probably in the next few weeks. i'm excited. wp has changed so much since i've been out of the blogging world!

7. Gloves or mittens?
fingerless gloves! FTW!

8. What’s one thing you do to keep yourself motivated?
i try to keep organized as much as possible. it helps to keep things running smoothly and that makes me go! go! go!

9. Have you ever been to one of your high school reunions?
hell no and no thank you.

10. Weekly goals:
spend as much time as i can with my family! try not to be such a hermit while i'm visiting! go visit my inlaws! and my daddy!!! eat!! drink!! laugh!!! dance!!! and have tons of FUN!!! yay!!!

November 18, 2011

retail therapy

did a little retail therapy today. not too much. just a little tiny bit. I was completely out of mac fluidline (1) so i stopped by the mac counter at dillards over at first colony mall. I also picked up an eyeshadow in knight divine (2). it looked pretty and i don't really have a shimmery grey. i have shimmery purple grey, but not a grey grey. and i also got a paint pot in soft ocher (3). i used to use urban decay primer potion, but it dried out then i got a tube of too faced primer stuff at ulta for $9! i don't like it as much as the UDPP. i dunno why? i think the UDPP works better. so i'm gonna give this paint pot a try. hopefully it works a lil better than the too faced crap.

then we headed over to target and i got myself a white wife beater (4). i love those target wife beaters! they're long and so comfy. i needed a white one to wear under cardigans/sweaters. and i also picked up an elf angled liner brush (5), which i LOVE. and they're only $3! i can't wait to use my mac fluid line now! i missed it and i find that it's the only eyeliner that goes on black, stays black and stays in my water line! most black eyeliners turn blueish and i hate that. and i seriously hate pencil liners. sharpening is such a hassle and i've literally cut myself on my eye with the wood part! not fun.

then i had to stop at walmart because sophia needed a binder and they didn't really have anything at target. i usually complain about going to walmart because it sucks in there and it's always so hot, but i'm glad we did because i found the kardashian nail polishes!!! i only picked up the 2 i really wanted. Khloe had a little lam lam (6) and kim-pletely in love (7). they're both sooo pretty! i can't wait to use them!

and that's it. very much needed retail therapy! what have you bought for yourself lately? anything good? do share!

i should be getting a new memory card for my point and shoot so i can get some better pics up here. i lost the memory card over 4th of july weekend! i wish i could find it, there were so many pics on there. =(
I found it!! yay! here's the nail polish. the khloe had a little lam lam comes off more green than a true teal. that makes me not so happy. =/

fill in the blank friday

1. A nervous habit I have is:
picking my nail polish off. i don't even realize i'm doing it till after a while. it's annoying.

2. Something that makes me sad is:
i miss my dog marley. whenever i think about her being gone i tear up and my heart breaks a little bit more each time. i loved her so much. =(

3. Today I am thankful for:
overtime. all that overtime my hubby worked the last 2 weeks helped out big time. BIG time. thank you, jesus!

4. My favorite room in my house is:
my master bathroom. it's HUGE and beautiful and has a walk in closet and it's so beautiful and organized and I.LOVE.IT!!

5. I can't stand:
flaky people. if you say you're gonna do something, then do it! don't pretend you forgot or whatever it is your flaky ass does and not do it. that's just annoying and it makes you look bad.

6. If I had an extra $100 to spend on whatever I wanted today I would:
buy myself some perfume. i'm out of all my favs! i have to use stinky perfume like flowerbomb. ugh. does anybody want to trade some good smelling perfume for flowerbomb? it's practically brand new! lol let me know!

7. The last person I hung out with was:
my friend M. it was fun. =D

November 17, 2011


i've been neglecting my blog. but i have a good reason. Homeland and True Blood!! playing catch up. I promise I'll be back as soon as i'm all caught up! =D

November 14, 2011

monday list

1. Mood:

2. How long does it take you to do your hair in the morning?
as long as it takes to brush through it and put it up in a ponytail... about 3 mins?

3. Do you have any plans for the holidays?
for thanksgiving we are going to Austin, I can't wait!!! we're staying here for christmas and I can't wait for that either!!! yay!!

4. What’s one new thing you would like to try this week?
a new dinner recipe would be nice. something simple, but yummmmy. any suggestions?

5. The first word that comes to mind when I ask, “What’s one thing you love about fall?”
cooler. as in temperature!!

6. A piece of makeup you’ve been loving lately?
elf golden bronzer! i LOOOOVE it!

7. Do you wish that you could speak any other languages?
yes, spanish! i understand it, but don't speak it! i'm weird.

8. Shave, pluck or wax?
shave pluck AND wax. i do it all. i'm hairy.

9. Things you’d like to do before the end of the year?
lose 50lbs? haha that ain't happening! maybe 10? that would be cool.

10. Weekly goals
blog more. eat less. drink more water!

November 11, 2011

fill in the blank friday

1.   My favorite new blog of the moment is: 
well, it's new to me. i swear i laughed so much when i read some of the posts. I dunno if you have to be mexican to understand what this means, but it made me LOL!!!:

One time I was in tears b.c. my gpa yelled at me that guys only talked to me for papers..
I still dunno wtf he was talking about...

2.   Something I am thankful for is:
my friends. especially my bff. she gets me like no one else does. i love that.

3.  Something that made me laugh this week was: 
JENNA MARBLES! especially this video :  i die at the que?? que?? como?? si!! part. OMG!!

4. An item that is currently on my wish list is: 
an iPad. I NEED AN IPAD!!!   

5.  I am excited about:
thanksgiving! i can't wait to see my people! i miss them sooooo much!

6.  If I were a color I would be:
is this a trick question? i would be pink. hot pink with silver glitter.

7.  My favorite way to spend a chilly fall day is:
same way i spend a hot summer day, inside on the couch on my laptop! lol

and i'll leave you with my NOTD because i really love the colors! Have a great weekend!!! xoxo

Essie's Lady Like with OPI's Crown me Already 

November 8, 2011


i don't know exactly what i'm going to to do. i'm not going to tell you what is going on because i'm a bitch and i want to be as evasive as i possibly can be. haha. i know, you hate me. i just know that i don't know what i'm waiting for? what am i scared of? oh, there's so much to be scared of, there's so much to lose. but what it is all for? i feel like i'm living a lie, like is this REALLY my life? this is it? THIS? seriously? da fuck? i didn't sign up for this shit. i don't want this shit. i want more. i need more. how do i get more? but am i sure i really want MORE? how much more could i possibly want? i want it all. i deserve it all. but then i sit here and count all the people i will let down and hurt if i go out and get the more that i want and it just doesn't seem worth it. but then i think about all the people i will hurt, myself included if i DON'T go for it all. why does life have to be so fucking complicated? why do we always put other peoples needs before our own? why do i care so much about what people think? why? GOD, WHY? it sounds so selfish, but sometimes i wanna be like that mom on the yaya sisterhood movie. when she ran away to sleep at a motel for a few days. i just don't ever want to come back. is that wrong? yes, it is. who does that? this can't be all there is. this just can't be all there is. i won't accept that. but the thing is... i do.



November 7, 2011

stuff & a weekend recap is crazy accurate sometimes, it's almost creepy. this is a part of my horoscope for november:
Mars will oppose Neptune on November 7, just two days prior to the day that Neptune goes direct on November 9, and force hidden information to the surface. You will see the situation clearly now, and can plan your next step. Whenever a big planet goes direct, in the days surrounding its turn, we get clues and information about which road to take in the future.
i can't go into details because it's so personal, but I will say that this is SPOT.ON. the information I got is almost too much for me to swallow. damn.

this weekend was pretty laid back. my husband worked all day saturday so it was just me and the kiddos riding around town all day. we went hunting for some nail polish! good times, good times! lol I didn't actually find the polish I was looking for till last night at Target. and let me just say it was totally worth the wait! Revlon's Facets of fuchsia is beautiful! and i'll leave you with a few pics!

facets of fuchsia!

monday list

1. Mood:

2. What’s one of the first things you do every morning?
besides pee? check on the kids and make sure they are getting ready if it's a week day, if it's a weekend, then i just pee and go back to bed. lol

3. What scent are you wearing?
marc jacobs lola

4. What’s one thing on your to-do list for today?
clean the kids bathroom. i did it this morning.

5. One of the weirdest gifts you’ve ever received?
a  nickel. from my very first boyfriend. i know, weird.

6. Do you remember when you first started using the Internet regularly?
yeah, around 1999ish? when those chat rooms were all the rage! omg so much fun!!

7. The zombies are coming! What do you do to prepare?
stock up on water and non perishable foods! and guns and ammunition! and axes and knives and bow and arrows and cheetos!!!!!!!

8. What’s your go-to food for stress eating/relief?
anything and everything. i usually eat my feelings when i'm stressed.

9. What do you like to do when you’re stuck at home with a cold?
lay on the couch and whine and moan.

10. Weekly goals:
eat less. move more. count my blessings.

November 4, 2011

fill in the blank friday

from: the little things we do

1.   My favorite thing about this week was/is:
The cold front that blew in yesterday! It was almost 90 degrees the day before and I'm so tired of the heat. Summer was here for like 6 months! I'm loving the cooler temps!

2.   Colder weather makes me:
Happy. and cold. but mostly HAPPY!

3.  Three things that make me terribly happy as of late are:
having a laptop again! TYJ!! 
losing a few pounds! TYJ!!
roxanna! she's being much nicer to me now that Marley is gone. 

4. If I could only wear one kind of shoe for the rest of my life, I'd choose:
um FLIP FLOPS! they're all i ever wear anyway. 

5.  My personality type is:   
ENFJ. I took a personality test online and here is what it says about me (which is pretty accurate!): 
You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and you usually succeed.Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.
In love, you are very protective and supporting.However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous.
At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential.You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.
How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Bossy, inappropriate, and loud
6.  I have a serious problem resisting:
ice cream. lol what can i say? i love it so much!! 

7.  My favorite color to wear is: 
black of course. but i also love to wear hunter green on top because it makes my eyes look a different, much lighter color than they really are! 

November 3, 2011

my glamorous life

i've been trying to come up with something to blog about all day long. but since i'm a SAHM, i have nothing going on. the highlight of my day is when my best friends comment on my fb statuses.LOL i'm so lame. but for real. nothing and i mean absolutely nothing happened today. lame sauce. i got a new nail polish. i guess i could share that with you. it's OPI's Crown me Already! which is a sliver glitter color. I didn't think i would like it since i'm not a big silver nail polish fan, but man i love it. it's so gaudy and i think i'mma put it on my toes tomorrow when i go for my pedicure. here's a pic i posted up of it on instagram. <3
Crown me Already! -OPI
and that my friends is my oh so glamorous life. i know you're totally jealous!

November 2, 2011

what i want wednesday- pinterest edition!

welcome to my first edition of "what i want wednesday" this weeks WIWW is all from Pinterest. Oh man, I love that site. I want EVERYTHING! but here are a few things that I really really want today.

I love this rose gold Michael Kors watch! WANT!

This pink coat! It's just so flippin' cute! 

November 1, 2011

halloween recap & stuff

I'm so glad Halloween is done and over with. Not one of my favorite days of the year. It just seems to be a big ol' hassle, if you ask me. Unless Halloween falls on a Saturday, it's no fun. Kids have homework, chores, dinner and some of them have sports, there just aren't enough hours in the day for halloween. lol And not to mention all the damn candy they get and have laying around. That's no good for my ass. so yeah, Halloween? not my fav. But ernie was a scary cool looking zombie! He was even scared of his own self. haha.

 and sophia didn't get to participate, because well you know if you read that blog post. Speaking of Sophia, I got a call from her teachers this morning. We decided she probably needs to see a counselor for some grief counseling. I don't think she ever had any after her mom passed and I do think she might need it. I'm so glad her teachers understand and listen to what I say and take me serious. I feel like sometimes teachers just brush me off as a crazy mom, but I know Sophia is smart and capable of doing great in school she's just got a LOT on her mind. Hopefully the counseling works. *fingers crossed*